Well, I'm being brave. Really brave. Showing you my belly fat all hanging out sloppy-like. ::sigh:: I wasn't going to share these because I didn't think they were... "transformy" enough. I was hoping to have dramatic aesthetic results, but I think what I've achieved with T25 is... decent. ...
Fit Friday: Family Affair Edition
Well I skipped T25 most of last week....and this week.... I know, I know...don't start with me. I worked out, just not with the DVDs. I ran a few days, and did my ab challenge a few days, and worked out with Rohan most days outside. Had my dad take some pics one day: I love google+ for making these slideshows automatically! John's now doing beachbody coaching part time too, and he's been working out a bit and Rohan is now seeing us both work out so he starts ...
Fit Friday: Thank You Letters
Dear Target, Thank you for having all the clean eating items I need in a section faaaar away from the baby girl clothes so I can (attempt to) get in and get out without spending a million dollars. Thank you for introducing me to snacks like freeze dried strawberries, and thank you for having miso paste in stock so I can make my favorite light and clean soup. Off topic: thanks for having ELF products cuz I really needed a new black eyeliner for cheap. Love, Lazy, Cheap ...
Fit Friday: Clean Eater
So almost 2 weeks down of my journey to optimal health, fitness, wellness... and it's going well so far! I told you here that my plan was: Until the doc says I can work out I’m going to just focus on: Drinking as much water as is humanly possible each day Making my snack choices healthier Replacing my morning snack or first meal with a shake Not eating/snacking/grazing after 9pm Well I've been doing great with it except for #4. I'm drinking 4-6 bottles of water ...
Fit Friday – And So It Begins
Oh girls, I ate so horribly during my pregnancy. I really did. We had take out multiple times a week. The last two weeks while I was feeling "punished" by the pain I was in, I totally self medicated with oreos and entenmanns... and flat soda...and ice cream. Lots. of. Ice Cream. Whatever. That's the past. What's done is done. What's to come is what matters. I have one meal taken care of each day. That's my a.m. shakeology shake. I pop some fruit or greens and milk in there, shakey ...