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Can you see the weight loss difference in these 2 pictures? (I hope you can)
Let me tell you about my dear husband, John. He’s never been a small guy. He was a defensive lineman, he had to be meaty. About 5 years or so ago, he started jogging. His weight wasn’t really dropping so he decided to change his diet. He went from a carb-heavy SAD (standard American diet) to a very low carb diet. John’s always been a heavy soda drinker but when he started his low carb diet he had to switch things up. He could finish multiple 2 liter bottles of soda in 1 day. ::shudder:: But, he switched up to seltzer when he got serious about losing a bit of weight.
(PS He lost over 50lbs and kept it off for years, had a little setback after the motorcycle accident, was told he’d never run again, but is back on his grind, and eating modified low carb now…)
In NY he would buy Vintage seltzer by. the. case. Really we’d buy about 12 bottles at a time. He’d go through them so fast. I, being miserly and trying to be a good wife…well, girlfriend/fiance at the time…, bought one of those at-home seltzer makers that you keep on your counter-top. All he’d have to do is put water in, gas it up, and boom! Seltzer!
But no. He’d use it once in a blue… when I brought it up… and he would still buy Vintage seltzer or request that I bring some home when I went to Shoprite. Now, if I saw another brand on sale, I’d buy it. And he’d let it sit on the shelf and just buy Vintage the next time we hit up the store. There was just something about his Vintage. I’m glad the price is reasonable.
It was an addiction lol. An obsession. At least it was healthy for seltzer and not something harmful. It’s calorie free, sugar free, and has no artificial flavors or dyes or anything like that. I’m not the biggest seltzer drinker in the world, but I would drink the flavored Vintage seltzers John brought home. (Mostly in cocktails to be honest cuz they have good flavors. Full disclosure I only tried the lime and the raspberry.)
Down here in Florida…poor John had a little culture shock. We checked a few stores and no Vintage anywhere! We didn’t realize it was a local brand up there. (I’ll ask my dad to bring a case down with him to surprise Johnny next time he drives down from NY) So, when I saw the opportunity to post about Vintage, I jumped on it. Well, first I gasped because I kinda felt like Vintage seltzer was John and my own little “thing” and was so shocked that other people knew about it. But then I saw that John would be receiving some seltzer and goodies so I had to surprise him with it!
We got this little gift box and John was happily surprised…..and immediately chugged one of the seltzers…warm.
Are you into fizz? Do you drink seltzer too?
Follow Vintage Seltzer on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram! Users who tag @DrinkVintage on Instagram will receive a $1 off coupon! (You can sign up for their email list for more.)
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
shelly peterson says
Your husband did an awesome job on loosing weight, congrats to him. I LOVE soda and I know it’s so bad for you. This Vintage Seltzer water sounds good but I have never head of this brand before. It would be nice to try that brand out. I have never had seltzer water before, but would be nice to find an alternative to soda.